Sponsor the 2025 NDEDIC Summit!
The Summit is NDEDIC's signature annual event, bringing together payers, providers, clearinghouses, practice management vendors, and other key industry stakeholders. The Summit features sponsorship levels to fit every budget. Support our industry and build brand awareness by becoming a Summit sponsor today!
All Sponsorships include the following benefits:
- Representation on NDEDIC website with sponsor logo, level, and link to sponsor's website
- Representation on Summit signage with sponsor logo and level
- Representation on Summit PowerPoint loop with sponsor logo and level
- Recognition/logo in all Summit-related email advertising
- Recognition in the Summit mobile conference app with logo and company profile
- Option to distribute company materials at the event
- Access to attendee list with contact information
Diamond Sponsor - $12,500 (1 available)
Benefits include all the benefits of the Platinum Sponsor (excluding sponsorship of the welcome reception), plus the following:
- Company logo featured on landing page of conference mobile app
- 2 sponsored alerts through conference mobile app
- A total of 5 complimentary Summit registrations
- Exclusive Sponsorship of the Social Event with dedicated signage and recognition in event agenda and in conference mobile app
- 5-minute address to attendees
- Exclusive opportunity to sponsor/host a pre-Summit workshop or masterclass
- Opportunity to provide a premium branded gift bag to attendees
- Exclusive, prominent placement of your company logo on all Summit materials and marketing
The Diamond Sponsor tier offers the highest level of visibility, exclusivity, and engagement with Summit attendees, making it the most prestigious sponsorship level!
Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 (2 available)
- 1 sponsored alert through conference mobile app
- 4 complimentary Summit registrations
- Sponsorship of the Welcome Event with dedicated signage and recognition in event agenda and in conference mobile app
- 2-minute address to attendees
- Opportunity to provide branded gift bag to attendees
Gold Sponsor - $8,000 (5 available)
- 3 complimentary summit registrations
- 1-minute address to attendees
- Recognition in event agenda and in conference mobile app as named sponsor for one of the below sessions/events:
- Networking Break
- Keynote Presentation
Silver Sponsor - $5,000 (10 available)
- 2 complimentary summit registrations
- Serve as the named sponsor for one of the following:
- Panel Discussion
- Work Group Session
Bronze Sponsor - $2,500 (unlimited)
- 1 complimentary Summit registration
- Option to choose 1 co-branded item to sponsor, such as:
- Summit Pen
- Summit Notebook or Notepad
- Summit Post-it pack or office in a box
- Summit Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Summit Hand sanitizer/ Lotion