Regarding benefit year dates/plan coverage dates
In version 5010, 271 loop 2110C, the DTP segment is for subscriber dates. In the v5010 TR3, 291 is defined as “Plan”. Delta Dental understands DTP*291 to be the benefit year start and end dates. Example:
In the v5010 TR3, section had minimal instruction on these. In version 7030, the instructions are in of the TR3 and they go a little further in explaining when to use 346 versus 291. The wording is confusing to me, because they say “plan coverage dates”, which to me mixes the concepts of “plan” and “coverage” together. To me, “coverage” means eligibility (eligibility is communicated using qualifier codes 356 and 357). I think my issue is merely with the wording. I believe in v7030 we will continue to send DTP*291 as in the above example. (Though in v7030 we will send these in the 2105C loop instead of 2110C.) Does anyone disagree?